STUDIO TODD (Sarah Todd)
Co-Owner of ASOBI Store
How would you describe your practice?
I studied Graphic Design at University. But I do not see myself as a Graphic Designer. I would say I'm more of a maker. My mum and dad were both makers in their spare time Dad used to make remote controlled boats out of scraps of wood. Mum used to make curtains for the caravans. I guess I just have a go at most things and hope for the best :)
The People Factory is the main thing I'm known for. I also work with textiles, and produce stationery.
Do you have some of your artwork examples you could share with us?

What/ who are your artistic inspirations?
Some of my favourite artists/designers...
Ellsworth Kelly, Alexander Calder, Karel Martens, Nathalie Du Pasquier
Do you have any interests outside of art and design?
I love plants and visiting National Trust/English Heritage Gardens + Castles.
You co-own the Asobi shop, do you have a top 5 products in the shop?
What do you have planned for the next year?
I would really love to have a bit more time to experiment with clay. Do more fine art pieces and Sculptures. Carry on with everything I'm producing right now.
Sarah's Website :